Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hands on: Marj Poor

Marj Poor, teacher and editor of Prairie BOOKS now. She takes a week off work during THIN AIR. If you go back through the four years of HOT AIR, there are probably several pictures of her, because she's at everything...and because she's at everything, she carries around several book bags. So for this photo, I got her to empty one of her book bags.

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Ariel Gordon has two chapbooks to her credit, The navel gaze (Palimpsest Press) and Guidelines: Malaysia & Indonesia, 1999 (Rubicon Press), and this spring, Palimpsest published her first full-length poetry collection, Hump. She recently won the John Hirsch Award for Most Promising Manitoba Writer at the Manitoba Book Awards. When not being bookish, Ariel likes tromping through the woods and taking macro photographs of mushrooms.

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