Monday, September 20, 2010


ok, not actually. they are right here, helping me type. I simply used that line as hook, to get you to keep reading my post.

I was the outcast who couldn't make our hot air meeting and I happened to notice that there are lovely pictures of everyone else's hands but mine.

that's fine. totally fine. I'm not even crying right now or anything. ##imabigsensitiveliar

In fact, i think it fits perfectly into my role this year. Like others, I am back again, trapped in the endless lure of the writers festival, and more then that, the seduction of being a blogger. Who knew blogging could be sexy. And seductive. While I too may have spent all last year thinking "There is no way I can volunteer again this year", as soon as Ariel was like "hey Courtney, wanna blog" I was like

"YES!!"(in my head)

but in an attempt to play it cool, simply said "Sure, whatever."

It has become, like Stacey mentioned, a ritualistic part of fall in the city.
But decididly, my role this year needs to change. I am bored with my ramblings on the deep and meaningful interpretations of authors and stories.

Mostly I'm interested in improving my spy skills. Imagine Gossip Girl meets Veronica Mars.

If the pop culture reference is lost on you
## noteveryonewatchesasmuchtvasme

it basically means don't be alarmed if you see me lurking around, in dark corners, with sunglasses and my notebook. Rest assured that I'm just engaging in my spy mission. I will be watching the festival, and the festival goers, with the sole purpose of figuring out why you people keep coming. And what you do while you are here.

Pay no attention to me. This is important data for you to know. it may help you figure out something about yourself. Though i may need to interview you. don't be alarmed. its all completely annoymous. Except for the part where I put it on the internet.

Number one spy fail: telling you about my spy plans. ##imnotreallyaspy

I would love to tell you about the events I plan on attending, but due to the nature of my mission, I'm not able to.

hint: where the rivers fork.
over and out.

* * *
Courtney Slobogian was born in Winnipeg and likes it that way. She is a writer/understated activist/ irreverent feminist.

Some of her work can be tracked down in quiet corners of the internet.

She co-hosts a radio show on CKUW called Tiger Lilies are Poisonous, dislikes cotton socks and is currently working on developing her spy skills.

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