Here are the clues I gathered about men:
hunting, pornography, aging, silver hair and women who turn them down for sex. Winnipeg love and hate, murder, kindness, grief, courage and moderation.
From this I can only conclude that men are people too. ##statingtheobvious
I was disappointed to see none of my female comrades but I did see a lot of sweaters, leather and tweed. Not of the hispter variety, but of the authentically refined older man variety.
I thought I hit the jackpot when a very classy looking man sat down at the end of my row. Sadly his body language indicated he would not be interacting with me. I don't push. I don't want to be too noticeable. That said, I can't help but wonder if it was my stick-on moustache and tweed blazer that made him shy away.
Turns out, the man was Lawrence Scanlan.
I need to do better research.
Other important events were the cell-phone-ringing- on-stage-right-after-Charlene-told-the-crowd-to-turns-theirs-off incident and when Charlene fired Perry in front of us all.
What with the bar on stage right and McNally Robinson on stage left, Charlene tried to convince the crowd that Thin Air was simply a corporate enterprise guised as a cultural event.
That was clearly a decoy. The tweed gave the truth away.
And speaking of truth, I think I may have gathered the most important clue of all.
It's entirely possible that the reason we all gather every year at Thin Air is not for the wine, or the tweed, but to try and seek out just a little truth from each story we hear.
I'm not convinced this is it, but I will keep this in my notebook for future events and see if it holds true.
over and out.

Some of her work can be tracked down in quiet corners of the internet.
She co-hosts a radio show on CKUW called Tiger Lilies are Poisonous, dislikes cotton socks and is currently working on developing her spy skills.
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