The Great Exchange between the Art Communities of Atlantica and Prairieville has already begun in earnest, friends. (Watch out Stephen Harper. Watch out Sam Katz. We're talkin bout a revolution.)
Craig Francis Power rolled into town this morning from Newfoundland in a magic wheelbarrow, departing westward right after his book launch in St. John's last night. I like your plaid shirt, sir, as well as your book Blood Relatives. Your reading made me lament the misplacement of my accent. Bring more plaid shirts next time you come here, Craig. Lord tunderin jayzuz.
Sharon McCartney nearly had us all rolling in the aisles with her poems, including one from the voice of Marie Antoinette seconds after the guillotine dropped its silver fist ("a short poem" ha!) and one channelling a lusty Dorothy who has the hots for The Tin Man that set the audience a'titter, pleasantly. Sharon arrived to us from lovely Fredericton and had a leisurely, though vibrate-y, journey to Winnipeg in a coffee-propelled hovercraft. Nevermind that there is no actual way to get here by water all the way (hmmm, or is there?... Saint John River, St. Lawrence, Red River...) but the JavaHopper is amphibious as well as environmentally sound, so no worries. Sharon! You can recruit me anytime for your Railing Against Things movement. Dear Readers, get her book of poems, For and Against!

Marjorie Poor won the draw for all the books that were read tonight. Lucky! (I keep fillin out those ballots, but...)
Marjorie is one of my favourite people in Winnipeg, though I don't know her that well, but I often see her at literary events out and about.
A shout out to Sarah Klassen who helped convince Marjorie I should take her picture.
Marjorie... what are you favourite books?! Like ever, I mean.

Michael Wex signs a copy of his book for me.
It'll be hilarious if tonight's reading is any indication.
"Like The Godfather but without the crime," his book details the life and times of a noodle kugel-eating old fellow whose dying words are, "Of course I'm alright. I'm a blogosphere celebrity."
I've been trying to get through Skinny Legs and All for months, but The Frumkiss Family Business is next on the list.

At the very end of the night, theatre all but empty, four writers remain standing:
Michael Wex, Craig Francis Power, Sandra Birdsell, Sharon McCartney.
Also, four wine glasses missing, says bartender.
Coincidence? I think not.
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